The information contained in the vault has been condemned and is no longer accessible to anyone under any authority of law. You are free to submit your information as often as you like however, once submitted, you have surrendered your details to the vault. Never to be seen or spoken of again.

The contents of the The Twisted Vault vault express some of the darkest, deepest, twisted stories along with some of the most detailed, intimate feelings...

Therefore we encourage you to vent some of your fears, frustration, aggravations or desires to the power of the vault...

Why use The Twisted Vault? The Twisted Vault is a "life coaching" strategy. On the belief that there's therapeutic benefit with venting your frustration, The Twisted Vault provides you with an opportunity to vent without any restrictions.

We're following the theory that if you write down, unfiltered, your situation and wait 24 hours, your frustration will most likely pass and you will relieve yourself of the stress. The Twisted Vault believes that once you "write it down" you should then.... let it go!

For this reason when you submit your story to the vault, it can't be retrieved. We also believe reviewing or re-reading these events at a later date may have a negative impact.
We were all given the gift to "forget" and sometimes that's all we truly forget the things in life that cause us pain and stress.
FAQ's about The Twisted
Can I read my past posts?
No! The idea behind The Twisted Vault is that you should not be able to read what you have posted. Hopefully, your situation has improved and reading old posts may open old wounds that are ether still healing or have healed! There is nothing good in the vault!

Do you really collect the stories or are they simply deleted?
Each and every story is collected and legitimately saved indefinitely into the vault through

Can you identify me from my post?
If you provide enough information you will probably be identifiable. However, you don't need to provide that much detail. Write your story as you would if you would write a letter to your best friend. You don't need last names or addresses.

Does anyone read what send to the vault?
Yes! Our IT team has access to your posts to ensure the system is working properly, however you cannot be identified, which is part of the reason why we can't show you your previous posts. The Twisted Vault is designed to be private, personal and unaccessible to anyone.

What are email reminders?
If you choose, The Twisted Vault can send you an email on a regular basis reminding you to vent your frustrations to the vault. You pick the day of the week and the time of day and you will receive an email reminding you to blow off some steam. Simply reply to the email and tell us your story through The Twisted We will store your reply into the vault and discard your email address.

You can stop this feature at any time.

Contact us here at The Twisted Send us your shit!

Toll-free phone:
What's is The Twisted
How shitty was your day?